Why Pilea Leaves Curling

Pilea leaves curling is common problem for all pilea lovers. Pilea  which means “felt cap” in Latin, is a term that means “felt cap.” The calyx of the plant covers the achene, giving it its name. This is the biggest genus in the family. It includes between 600 and 700 flowering plant species. While these plants are not economically important, they are popular as decorative plants. Some of these plants are popular in traditional Chinese medicine, while others have high horticultural value.

When compared to other indoor plants, the plant’s spherical and dark green leaves give it a distinct appearance.  Pilea plants are popular among indoor gardeners because of their low care and evergreen nature. Water them daily and place them in an attractive planter near a light window.  The Pilea plant is subject to leaf curling, despite its hardiness and resilience. This is an indication that something is wrong with the plant, and you should investigate the plant and the growth environment to determine the problem.

Pilea leaves curling can be caused by insufficient watering, insufficient warmth, too strong light, insufficient humidity in the air, poor-draining soil, nutritional deficiency, or decaying roots. Pilea leaves curling can also be caused by pests and illnesses. The Pilea leaf curling might be due to a variety of factors, as it is with many plants. And the sooner you notice the problem, make the proper diagnosis, and correct the problem, the more likely your Pilea plant will return its vibrant colours and healthy appearance. The curling of Pilea leaves is often overlooked. Particularly since young leaves begin curled and straighten out as they mature. When huge leaves begin to curl, on the other hand, you have an issue with your hands.

Pilea leaves curling due to following Reasons:

Your plant has received too much water.

Although houseplants require water to live, they should not be overwatered. When there is a scarcity of water, most plants curl their leaves like birds of paradise leaves curling.

When we mention leaf curling, it’s only natural that we rise the quantity of water we provide the herbal. The plants of Pilea, on the other hand, curl inwards as a result of overwatering. The plant is not watered on a regular basis. Before watering, check the top inch of the soil. If your plant is thirsty, it needs to be watered. It also relies on your country’s temperature and the amount of light the plant receives. A soil probe may be used to assess the moisture level in roots.

In the summer, water is used more often than in the winter. Watering in the evening should be avoided. When sunlight is available, nighttime is cooler than daylight. If you water in the evening, the extra moisture will accumulate in the plants, resulting in root rot and leaf yellowing.

Drooping leaves are your plant’s method of requesting extra water. If the leaves don’t get enough water, they grow brittle. If you don’t have time to water your plants every day, deep water them once a week.

Drainage issues cause pilea leaves curling

Overwatering is exacerbated by a lack of an adequate drainage system. Excess moisture in the container might cause serious problems like root rotting. When planting your Pilea plant, be sure you choose a container with adequate drainage. The pot’s size should be appropriate to the plant’s size. The moisture contained in the soil will be too much for the plant if you grow little plants in a large container. Plastic pots are inferior than terracotta pots.

A plastic pot makes it much more difficult for moisture to escape. After you’ve decided on a container, the next item to consider is the soil. The soil should be able to drain excess water well. To prevent dirt from plugging drainage holes, use small stones at the bottom of the pot. However, be certain that the stones do not obstruct the perforations.

Mix the soil with perlite to enhance the drainage system. To make the potting mix, combine 1 cup of perlite with 9 cups of soil.


Pilea leaves are native to China’s woodlands and prefer a humid climate. If the air is too dry, they may curl their leaves. The air conditioner in the room produces dry air, which makes it difficult for Pilea leaves to grow. Spray or sprinkle water on the leaves to alter humidity. Make sure to spray first thing in the morning.

Before dark, the moisture on the leaves should have evaporated. The leaves should not be always moist. Placing the plant on a tray with water and stones is another way to promote humidity. Water will not be able to enter the container because of the stones. The humidity around the plants will rise as the water in the tray evaporates.

Once or twice a week, change the water in the tray. It is more time-saving to have a humidifier in the room. Some humidifiers include an in-built monitor, so you won’t have to worry about maintaining the proper humidity level.

Lighting that is appropriate

Pilea plants thrive in bright light and warm temperatures. It’s possible that inadequate illumination is causing your Pilea leaves to curl. If the light is too bright, the leaves will curl. You should position the plant near a window that gets enough of light.

Pilea plants will thrive in the east-facing windows. Draw the blinds if the plant is near a south-facing window to keep the high-intensity light out. Allow fresh air to flow in via the windows. They will not endure excessive heat from the searing sun since they are fragile plants. If you’re unsure about the room’s temperature, take a temperature reading near the plant with a thermometer.

Make careful to rotate the pot on a regular basis. This will ensure that all of the plant’s leaves receive adequate light.

Nutritional deficiency cause pilea leaves curling

You could be perplexed as to why the leaves are curling despite proper watering, drainage, humidity, and illumination. If this is the case, your plant may be missing in the nutrients it need to thrive. By properly watering and giving excellent circumstances, you are helping to provide carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. Now is the time to add some nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus to your plant’s diet.

These three macronutrients are critical for plant growth and may be provided by a suitable fertiliser. If the plant is nitrogen deficient, the leaves will curl and turn yellow. Sunburn and potassium depletion are frequently mistaken. Burned and yellow leaves are indicators of both of these issues. Because the Pilea plant doesn’t grow much in the winter, don’t fertilise it.

How can the pilea plant be saved from root rot?

Check the drainage holes on a regular basis to see whether they are clogged. Remove any materials that are impervious to water from the soil. If the problem is severe, the plant should be re-potted and the decaying roots removed. Pick up the plant after loosening the dirt with a pencil or a chopstick. Wash the dirt away from the plant’s roots under running water. It aids in the examination and removal of decaying roots. Disturbing the healthy roots is not a good idea. Trim a few leaves if you have to chop down a bunch of rots. Before utilising the tools on the plant, make sure they’re clean. You may now plant it in a brand new container with improved drainage. Within a few days, the plant will acclimate to the new pot.

How do you pick the best fertiliser?

Look at the descriptions on the fertiliser packets while making your selection. The proportion of each macronutrient in the packet will be shown by three digits (for example, 20-20-20). The first element will be nitrogen, followed by phosphorous and potassium.

Root encirclement

Root entanglement is a typical issue with all houseplants. It happens when the roots expand too much in the pot and there isn’t enough place for them. The dirt in the pot will be held in place by the robust roots.  When it becomes congested, though, the roots become knotted and discoloured. Root rotting occurs as a result of root crowding. This may potentially result in the death of your plant.

The easiest way to avoid root bounding and rotting is to repot your plants. Repotted houseplants should be done every two years. You may re-pot it into a larger container, which will provide extra root area. However, do not use a pot that is significantly larger than the preceding one. Spring or summer are the optimum times to repot the plant.

Invasion of pests

Pests wreak havoc on houseplants as well. Some suckers feed on plant sap, causing leaf curling. To keep an eye on the infestations, check your plant on a frequent basis. Pilea plants are attacked by pests such as whiteflies, which produce leaf curling and black blotches.

Whiteflies can be killed using pesticide soap. You should use the soap many times to kill all of the insects. Look for their eggs under the leaves and eliminate them. White patches under Pilea leaves aren’t a problem. It’s their stomata, not a fungal infestation.

Why Is My Pilea Not Growing? 

Pilea plants, like outside plants, have a growth season, thus during the cold and dark months, your Pilea will become dormant. This occurs because the plant is conserving energy in preparation for the shorter days and cooler temperatures to come. Here are a few of the most common reasons your plant isn’t developing as quickly as it could.You’ve only lately taken the plant into your house

Houseplants, like humans, require time to adjust to a new environment. New circumstances (light, temperature, humidity) can often cause your plant to go into shock and inhibit its development. That’s OK; it’s very natural. All you have to do in this scenario is be patient (we know, easier said than done) and allow your plant the room it needs to adjust to its new existence.

Pilea has been overpotted

When you obtain Pilea babies, this is a frequent problem, but it’s less of a concern if your plant is already grown. When a plant is over-potted, it is placed in a larger pot than it can manage. Yes, there is such a thing as a plant in a too big container.

When it comes to selecting the correct container for your plant, the myth that “larger is better” tends to reign supreme. When repotting your Pilea, however, the size of the roots (what’s below ground) is more important than the size of the crown (what’s above ground). In comparison to the size of the crown, the roots of this plant are rather little.

Larger pots contain more soil, which takes longer to dry between watering sessions. As a result, instead of investing energy on growing above ground, your plant is concentrating on filling in the area underneath it.  This will give the plant plenty of room to expand as it matures. Make sure the container has adequate drainage holes, regardless of its size or form.

There isn’t enough water for your Pilea

If your Pilea’s development is stunted, it’s most likely lacking one of the three essential components of plant health: water, light, and soil. Fortunately, the water leak is the most straightforward to repair. Pilea plants want a good soak, so when watering them, let the water flow out the bottom of the container. Also, avoid the practise of dumping your glass’s remaining tap water into your plant pot every time you want to empty it. This promotes shallow root formation and is not good for long-term plant growth.

Pilea dirty

If the leaves of your plant are caked in a thick coating of dust, it will obstruct photosynthesis and clog the plant’s pores (stomata). As a result, the growth of your Pilea will be affected. Cleaning the leaves may be done with a rag and warm water, or by simply putting the entire plant in the shower under running water. Allow 15-20 seconds for the water to fall on the leaves and the potting mix top. Allow the surplus water to run out of the drainage holes once you’re finished.

Nutrients have been depleted in the soil

Fertilizing has its place and time, and it may be the final step in diagnosing a Pilea plant that hasn’t been growing. The simplest method is to fertilise your plant once a month using organic liquid fertiliser. Fertilize your plant just during the growth season, not while it’s dormant. Because you don’t want to burn your plants, all fertilisers must be diluted in water. Always follow the recommendations on the package. Repotting your Pilea in fresh soil is another option to correct nutrient deficiencies in the soil.

Money tree leaves curling and yellow

Curling money tree leaves indicate that your plant is either losing or receiving too little water from the growing media. If you don’t examine the soil or the hydroponic solution on a regular basis, sticking to a watering plan can be dangerous. To reduce the chance of curling, examine the soil for sogginess and dryness first, even if you’re on a schedule.


pilea not growing

The most common reason of yellowing leaves in Money Trees is insufficient soil moisture, which can be caused by overwatering. To maintain regular soil moisture, your Money Tree prefers deep but infrequent irrigation. When watering your Money Tree, make sure there’s enough liquid to flow from the drainage hole in the bottom of the pot to the saucer.

Moisture level

It sources leaves to wilt and russet on the margins, with the entire leaf becoming yellow, brown, or shedding altogether afterwards. Regular misting using a mister, a humidifier, or a pebble tray can provide a boost in humidity for your Money Tree.

Some Yellowing Is To Be Natural

This yellowing is natural if your plant has fresh growth and the yellowing leaves are older, especially towards the bottom of the plant. Your plant sheds its old leaves to make room for new growth.

Unsuitable Lighting

Your Money Tree will thrive in brilliant indirect sunlight, but it may also thrive in medium light. The leaves of your Money Tree will burn if it is exposed to direct sunlight for an extended period of time, so keep it out of direct sunlight.


Insect infestations are more likely in a Money Tree that is weak or stressed. Spider mites and other sap-sucking insects can dehydrate your plant. Yellowing leaflets and fronds are the first signs of this disease, which may be treated with a pesticide like Neem Oil.

Watermelon pilea leaves curling

In most cases, watermelon peperomia is caused by not enough watering or insect damage. Watermelon peperomia, on the other hand, isn’t too hard to grow.. Leaves that Curl Curling leaves typically indicate that your plant is either dry or that the leaves are exposed to too much direct sunshine.

Pilea leaves turning black

Overwatering Pilea leaves is the most prevalent cause of them becoming black. The leaves start to appear sick when the roots are suffocating in damp soil. They change colour from green to yellow to black. The plant eventually starts to die. Correcting your watering sessions is the simplest method to get this right. Keep track of how often you’re doing these sessions and how much water you’re providing the plant. Only water the plant when the top layer appears to be drying off. The main cause of a dying plant is re-watering moist soil.

Pilea leaves turning Brown:            

Pileas should have large, dark green stems and leaves. This is problematic if your plant begins to acquire blotches on its leaves. Brown spots can be produced by a variety of factors; the four most prevalent ones are listed below.

OVERWATERING: Overwatering might be the source of your problem once again.

Why are my Pilea leaves curling and turning yellow?

Your pilea leaves turning yellow might be due to a variety of factors. The first reason might be age, since mature leaves become yellow before falling off and dying. Almost every plant’s life cycle includes it. Overwatering might also be a factor. The wilting and curling of pilea leaves is caused by too much water. Nitrogen deficit in the pilea plant might be the third cause. Not every houseplant, especially pilea, has to be fed on a regular basis. However, if you starve it for a long period, it may develop a nitrogen shortage, which can cause pilea leaves to yellow.

How do you fix droopy Pilea?

Examine the soil for signs of being excessively dry or crumbly. Plunge your finger or a stick about 1-2 inches into the dirt (depending on how deep your pot is). If your Pilea feels dry to the touch or the stick comes out dry, it’s time to water it If the dirt comes away from the pot’s sides, it’s another indicator that it’s too dry. In this case, you should completely soak it. And because soaking causes the soil to absorb moisture equally, the plant prefers this technique over a tiny amount of water. It also stimulates the roots to penetrate the container deeper.

Even after the root structure is removed from the pot, they are strong enough to retain the soil in the shape of the pot. If your Pilea’s roots are brown, slimy, and mushy, it might be suffering from root rot. Check out our tips for treating Pilea root rot. Change the placement of your plant to one with more light and observe how it responds. The plant should be pointing slightly up at the sky if you want it to stay upright.


Keeping home plants may be a lot of fun, but it’s also necessary to know how to properly care for them. Fortunately, Pilea is a resilient plant that can recover if the initial issue is resolved. If you’re not sure why your Pilea leaves are curling and can’t figure out which of the causes listed below is causing the curling leaves, make tiny modifications and observe if the plant improves.

The major key to resolving the curling of the plant’s leaves is to provide optimal care for it, ensuring that all growth elements are present and in place. When growth circumstances are less than perfect, Pilea plants are prone to leaf curling. Avoid drowning the plant by overwatering it, and make sure the soil is well-draining and nutrient-rich.

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