Care for String of Bananas

The string of bananas (Senecio radicans), though closely related to the well-known string of pearls succulent, is distinguished by its quicker growth and simpler maintenance.

The string of bananas may be the answer for everyone who has tried in vain to maintain a string of pearls. The Asteraceae family’s native South African plant, the string of bananas, is distinguished by sleek, banana formed leaves that develop on protracted, dangling tendrils.

Depending on the style you want, you may train it to produce vertically on a lattice or moss extreme or use it as a hanging houseplant. Cord of bananas may also be cultivated effectively outside in moist commons, but they need areas with warm weather all year round because they are not frost-tolerant.

String of bananas are a low-maintenance, quick-growing succulent that both beginners and professionals may readily appreciate. They don’t require routine fertilizations, repotting, or trimming because they are drought-tolerant.

Making sure the succulent receives adequate light is crucial for producing a strong string of bananas because they do not thrive in low-light environments. It will be content if you hang your string of bananas in a window that gets plenty of sunlight and ignore it.


When planted inside, these trailing succulents need strong, direct light. Select an area that gets at least six hours of direct sunshine each day. If necessary, bananas on a string grow nicely under grow lights.

If this plant doesn’t get sufficient sunlit, it will grow lanky and its banana fashioned leaves will spread out much along the stem, which is typically seen as a less attractive appearance.

To assist avoid root rot, soil String of bananas needs a well-draining dirt mixture. Cactus or succulent soil can be bought already mixed, or you can make your own at yourself. Your string of bananas will drain well with a basic combination of 2 shares shooting soil, 1 share perlite, and 1 fragment pumice or sand.


This robust moist is said to be drought easy-going and water-efficient. Although there is no set plan for how frequently a string of bananas has to be watered because this might vary depending on a number of circumstances, as a general guideline, the soil should be allowed to completely dry out between watering’s.

Since bananas are prone to root rot, it is best to under-water them than to overwater them. Root rot may be avoided by keeping the succulent in well-draining soil and making sure the pot has enough drainage.

Thermodynamics and Humidity

Despite being a native of South Africa’s hot, dry environment, string of bananas thrive in typical indoor temperatures and humidity levels. To prevent exposure to excessive temperatures, make sure your plant is kept away from heat/air conditioning vents as well as draughty or chilly windows.

String of Bananas in Pots and Repots

Banana trees don’t mind being root-bound, therefore they don’t require frequent repotting. A string of bananas probably only has to be replanted once every two years to keep the soil healthy.

Repotting is best done in the spring and summer, when the plant’s fragile roots will have time to heal during the active growth season.

Because their leaves don’t fall off as quickly as those of other hanging succulent kinds, such the string of pearls, these plants are usually considerably simpler to repot.

To avoid breaking any of the delicate stems, however, caution should be exercised during repotting. But don’t worry if you do lose a few strands; just put the broken stem’s end back in the container, and it will ultimately develop its own roots.

Why are My String of Bananas Dying?

Senecio radicans, often known as the string of bananas plant, is a lovely and distinctive addition to any house. It grows rapidly and is simple to maintain. The String of Bananas is vulnerable to a number of issues, some of which can be fatal.

The following are some of the most typical causes of a String of Bananas plant’s demise:


One of the most frequent issues with growing String of Bananas is overwatering. This Senecio radicans plant is prone to overwatering, and if it does, it will begin to exhibit indications of stress.

The first sign that something is wrong is when the leaves start to yellow and droop. If you continue to overwater, the leaves will eventually get crispy and brown.

Additionally, the stem will begin to rot, and the plant will finally perish. It’s important to maintain your String of Bananas well-watered, but it’s simple to fall into the habit of overwatering it.

Always examine the soil before watering to prevent overwatering. The dirt should be touchably dry before you give your plant a drink.

Additionally, you need to be careful not to let the plant sit in water as this might cause root rot. It’s recommended to err on the side of caution and water your String of Bananas less frequently rather than more frequently if you’re unclear how frequently to do so.


String of Bananas needs the right quantity of water to grow, just like any other plants.

The leaves will start to fall off and the stem will start to shrink if the plant is not given adequate regular watering. If the plant doesn’t get enough water, it will eventually die.

High temperatures or overheating

Overheating is among the most frequent causes of a String of Bananas plant’s demise. At temperatures exceeding 80°F (27°C), the plant starts to suffer harm. The stems will start to turn yellow or brown, and the leaves will start to curl and become brown.

If the plant is subjected to extreme temperatures continuously, it will finally perish. Providing the plant with sufficient ventilation is one approach to reduce overheating.

Making sure the pot has drainage holes and keeping the plant out of direct sunlight can help with this. Regular watering of the plant is also necessary to keep the leaves from becoming too hot and to keep the roots from drying up.

Explicit sunlight

Although the plant’s leaves are normally green, they can also be found in white or yellow varietals. Although the String of Bananas is often cultivated inside, it may also be grown outside in warm climates with some indirect sunlight.

If the plant is left in the sun for a long time, the leaves will droop and eventually die. Sunburn can, in some situations, destroy the plant as a whole. Selecting a place for your String of Bananas that receives filtered sunshine or dappled shade all day long is essential to preventing this.

Lack of Nutrition

It may be because of inadequate nourishment if your String of Bananas plant is dying. They require a soil that drains well and has a lot of organic content.

The leaves will wither and become brown if the plant is not receiving enough nutrition. Give your String of Bananas plant additional sunshine, water, and fertiliser if you believe it is suffering from malnutrition.

  1. Choose the propagation technique.

The String of Bananas may be multiplied in two different ways: by water-based propagation and through direct germination in the soil. It is helpful to make a decision in advance before you begin taking cuttings. In both situations, you begin by cleaning the scissors. You can use disinfectant or pure alcohol for this.

  1. Cut some pieces

It is time to start using the scissors after carefully cleaning them. Pick up the stem(s) from which you want to make cuts.

The stem should be at least 10 cm long. Additionally, you have the option of taking many stems at once. Cut the stems sufficiently long. There could still be a need to take out the lower “bananas”. Maintain two “bananas” or more at the top of the cutting.

  1. Submerge cuttings in soil or water

Here is where the decision between growing plants in soil or water is made.

For cuts in water, the following is appropriate: In the water-filled container, hang the banana string cuttings. Do the “bananas” at the bottom still dangle in the liquid? Remove the stem from these.

Do you like to propagate plants in soil directly? Then trim the stem’s bottom “bananas” off. Next, plant the stem in the ground. The cutting may also be placed on the soil rather than in the ground. Make sure the bananas are well on the bottom when you chop them.

    4. Make the Cuttings Grow in Water

Put the tips of your clippings in the water. Keep an eye on the water levels and germination development in a transparent glass vase. The glass container should be placed in a warm area.

Although you may use any water, we advise using filtered water. After a few days, change the water until roots start to grow. Incorporate the nodes into the water. In a few weeks, fresh roots will appear. The season affects how quickly the sources emerge.

While it might take months in the winter, rooting can happen relatively quickly in the summer. When you see lots of new roots, transplant the plant into a potting mix using a 1:1 cactus mix and perlite solution that drains nicely.

Only water the soil once it feels dry, usually after the plant has established itself. If you see fresh growth on the top of your plant, the plant is set. Protect the plant from the sun’s rays.

Lighting Requirements Indoors

If maintained inside, give it as much light as you can. They typically require 5 to 6 hours of light per day to grow. Consider utilizing a grow light if you are in a region with inadequate indoor illumination or if your lighting is subpar.

Grow lights are a wise purchase, particularly if you live somewhere that doesn’t get enough sunshine or has long, gloomy winters. Here are a few grow light suggestions I have.

If feasible, pick a window that faces east. It will also work if the window is facing south or west. Direct sunlight from a window near to the plant might cause it to burn.

Are You Watering Too Much or Not Enough?

Observing how the leaves appear is the best method to determine if your String of Bananas are over or underwatered. The shrivelling of the leaves is the simplest sign that your plant is submerged.

When this occurs, it typically means that the plant’s water storage is getting low and that it is time to water. Give the plant a healthy drink if this is the case, and it should recover in a day or two.

A plant that is submerged is simpler to “repair” than one that is overwatered. You may know you’ve overwatered your String of Bananas if the plant starts to appear sickly, gets mushy and squishy, or even bursts when touched.

These plants may practically explode from too much water if you overwater them since they have storage capabilities in their stems and leaves. Don’t worry if this applies to your plant. Stopping the watering of your plant is the first thing you need to do.

If you give it time to dry off, the plant will generally recover. It is a good idea to repot the plant in a well-draining potting mix if the soil is not drying out quickly enough and is wet for extended periods of time.

If the plant does not recover from overwatering and begins to rot, you can still salvage it by taking it from the soggy soil, removing any dead or decayed portions, saving any green parts, letting them dry out for a few days, and then repotting it in a potting mix that drains well.

Why Do String of Bananas Turn Brown?

String of Bananas typically become brown because to sun damage or sunburn. Your String of Banana plant may be suffering from excessive sun exposure if you observe the leaves turning brown and appearing shrivelled and dry. If there is full or severe sun, move to a more shady area or wear sunscreen.

The plant may be sunburned, dry, and underwater, and it may also be shrivelling and becoming brown. Give the plant plenty of water, and it should start to grow.

Unfortunately, brown patches caused by exposure to the sun are typically irreversible. The plant will ultimately shed its old leaves and get rid of the brown spots if you simply wait for it to sprout new green foliage.

If their appearance really bothers you, you can cut them off; the plant will then produce new stems. Banana strings have the potential to decay and become black after becoming brown and becoming mushy.

This typically occurs when the plant receives excessive water. The plant begins to decompose from the top down. If this is the situation with your plant, keep the live green portions for replanting and further growth while throwing away the dead ones. A appropriate, well-draining potting mix should be used, and excessive watering should be avoided.

Blooms From String of Bananas

Small, white, fuzzy blossoms with a delicious cinnamon-vanilla spice aroma are produced by String of Bananas. Some people consider these blooms to be insignificant and little.

But I always find these blossoms to be fascinating. I adore these white, fluffy blossoms and think they are quite attractive. They are a real delight and lift my spirits every time.

Be aware that not all plants will blossom before continuing. Your plant’s ability to blossom depends heavily on environmental elements that are beyond of our control.

How to Promote the Bloom of a String of Bananas Plant Maturity

Verify if the plant is ready to blossom. A plant is ready to reproduce when it blooms. The plant won’t blossom if it is too young since it isn’t ready to reproduce. Give the plant some time; generally, a plant is ready to bloom when it is 2 years old or older.

Right temperatures for String of Bananas

Give flowers the right temperatures to grow. They require a clear contrast between the temperatures at night and during the day, as well as between summer and winter. Succulents prefer colder outdoor overnight temperatures of indoor nighttime temperatures.

Succulents prefer a noticeable contrast between their night and day temperatures to imitate their natural habitat, with the low night temperatures playing a crucial role in the plant’s development cycle, especially when kept in a controlled setting.


You must overwinter your succulents if you want to see them bloom. For desert cacti in particular, this may be accomplished by keeping plants cold and largely dry over the winter.

During the winter, keep them cold at temperatures that are slightly above freezing, between 35 and 440 F (1.5 and 70 C). If maintained indoors during the winter, try to keep them in an unheated room or keep the temperature low to provide them the necessary cold winter season.

Ample Lighting

Make sure the plants are kept in a bright area and receive enough sunshine throughout the year, including during the darker winter months. Most succulents and cacti require at least 5 to 6 hours of strong light every day.

Nourish or Fertilize

Giving your plants the nutrition they require instead of fertilizing them can assist maintain healthy development and promote blooms. Giving plants more nutrients can aid them throughout the blossoming season since it takes a lot of energy for plants to develop blossoms.

The best time to fertilize is during the active growth season, which is in the spring and summer. Fertilizers work best when applied every two weeks at a quarter- or half-strength. Avoid fertilizing during the winter and towards the conclusion of the fall growing season.

It is acceptable and typical to use a balanced fertilizer blend that has been diluted to half strength. Cacti and succulent-specific fertilizer mixtures are also appropriate.

Fertilize or Feed

Although fertilization is not required, providing your plants with the nutrients they require can assist maintain healthy development and promote blooms. Flowers require a lot of energy to grow, therefore giving plants extra nutrients throughout the blossoming season can assist meet their nutritional requirements.

The most typical advice is to fertilize in the spring and summer, or during the actual growth season. Fertilizer should be administered every two weeks at a rate of around 1/4 or 1/2 strength. During the winter and at the conclusion of the fall season, avoid fertilizing.

It is acceptable and typical to use fertilizer that has been balanced and diluted to half strength. Cacti and succulent-specific fertilizer mixtures can also be used.

Cat, dog, or other pet toxicity from a string of bananas

There is no known information on the toxicity of String of Bananas, unlike its relative Senecio Rowleyanus “String of Pearls,” which is known to be slightly harmful to cats, dogs, and other pets.

String of Bananas is not listed as hazardous to pets on the ASPCA website. When bringing this houseplant home for dogs, exercise cautious because they are linked to String of Pearls, which are considered to be somewhat hazardous.

If you have any suspicions about poisoning. You now have it. This comprehensive care manual is provided for string of banana plants. They are simple, enjoyable, and totally worthwhile. The benefits you receive in exchange are inestimable.

So if you’re searching for a trailing plant that requires little maintenance or if you’ve tried growing String of Pearls but failed, give String of Bananas a try. You won’t regret it.

String of Pearls vs  String of Bananas

You may readily tell the String of Bananas and Pearls apart by looking at their distinctive leaf forms. The leaves on the String of Pearls are more rounded and spherical in shape, but the leaves on the String of Bananas are fashioned like a banana.

String of Pearls has greater care and upkeep requirements than Bananas do. In addition, I’ve seen folks choose String of Bananas after failing to cultivate String of Pearls.


As an interior ornamental plant, the String of Bananas is a wonderful choice. It also requires less upkeep, which gives you even another benefit. You need to be careful with your fertilizations and watering practices. To prevent accidental intake, keep your kids and dogs away from this plant in the meantime.

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