Birds Of Paradise Leaves Curling

Plants like birds of paradise unite the fantastic with the amazing houseplants. This plant stands out throughout the environment because of its unique inflorescence. Birds of paradise leaves curling are a sign of poor growing conditions. A variety of factors causes birds of paradise leaf curl. Bird of paradise leaves curl for various reasons, but here are a couple to get you started.

Southern Africa is where the Bird of Paradise plant comes from. They can reach heights of up to 20 feet in this area! They may be found in coastal areas and riverbanks and near woodland borders, where they can get some much-need shade. To pollinate this species, sunbirds may carry pollen on their feet as they hop from blossom to flower to feed on nectar (Frost & Frost, 1981).

The leaves of my birds of paradise are curling up; why is this happening?

Insufficient water and lack of humidity are the main causes of bird of paradise leaves curling. Due to inadequate water or soil quality, low weather, wrong lighting, fertilization, and pests and diseases, leaves may also curl.

If you’re having trouble with the health and appearance of your bird of paradise leaves, have a look at this list to see if there are any problems you can solve. A few easy fixes will help you re-establish the fullness and splendor of your leaves.

Bird of Paradise Leaf Curling: Possible Causes and Solutions

The condition of the plant’s leaves is a good indicator of its overall health. Bird of paradise plants do not bloom indoors in every case, but the first step to achieving the plant’s eye-catching orange bloom is to maintain the plant’s general health. The curling of Bird of Paradise and prayer plant leaves can be caused by overexposure to birds of paradise light and inappropriate habitat overwatering or soil degradation.

Depending on the scenario, it should do various steps. Plants need to shade if the light is too intense. When things aren’t going well, could you do something about it? Stop watering if you’re watering too much; when the soil deteriorates, it’s time to replace it. The following sections may find the bird of Paradise leaf curling care instructions.

Irrigation/humidity problem:

Most of the time, the bird of paradise loves somewhat wet soil. Between waterings, let it air dry entirely. Enormous leaves lose moisture more quickly because of their large surface area; however, high humidity may counteract this.


Keep your bird of paradise watered regularly. As soon as the top few inches of soil are dry, water the plants vigorously. Water the plant often until you’ve figured out what works best for your plant and the surrounding environment. It is essential to keep the plant in a constant high humidity state by spraying the leaves twice a week, putting up a pebble tray, or running a humidifier. It’s best to use a rotating nozzle on an ultra-quiet humidifier like this one so you can precisely aim the mist to the plant.

Concerns about water quality:

Chemicals and trace minerals might be found in your tap water, depending on where you live. These compounds may be harmful to your bird of paradise if they are present in high enough concentrations.


Only use filter water for your bird of paradise if you have hard water or want to be proactive. When it comes to chlorine, you may let your watering can (containing tap water) out overnight before using it to saturate your plants. Chlorine is effectively removed from the water in this way.

Problems Related to the Ambient Temperature:

A tropical plant that thrives in temperatures ranging from 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit, the bird of paradise is an example of this.


Temperatures should remain between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit all year round. Planting the bird of paradise too near a heat source or an air conditioning vent may also be a problem.

Lighting Problems:

You may provide your bird of paradise with either indirect light or direct sunshine. How can I tell the difference? It’s all laid out clearly for you right here.

Too much direct sunlight may produce leaf birds of paradise dying and Bird of Paradise leaves curling down in the “goldilocks” zone. In contrast, leaves that get insufficient birds of paradise light curl and wilt.


Ensure that your bird of paradise has access to both indirect and direct light in your house. There should be no intense noon summer sun, though, while the direct sunshine is on.

Soil Concerns:

Having vibrant, robust foliage on your bird of paradise plant means making sure the soil you choose has the necessary nutrients, pH, and structure.

As a heavy feeder, the bird of paradise needs nutrient-rich, well-draining soil. On the other hand, over-fertilizing might damage the roots and kill the plant. The ideal soil is somewhat acidic, with a 5.5-7.5.


It may use sulfur or peat moss to lower the pH of your soil. Remove and replenish the top couple of inches of soil if you suspect you have over-fertilized your bird of paradise. Once you’ve taken your plant out into the open, thoroughly cleanse the soil (allowing it to drain completely in between rinses). To remedy bad soil, either repot your bird of paradise in new, high-quality potting soil (such as this organic mix) or add a few inches of fresh soil to the existing pot should be considered.

Insect Problems

Some of the other common houseplant pests can infest the bird of paradise. However, sap-sucking insects, such as mealybugs, scales, mites, and thrips, will cause the most aesthetic damage to the leaves.


Regularly inspect your plant for pest activity. At the first sign of pests, spray the plant with insecticidal soap or neem oil (I prefer organic neem). Additionally, you can treat the plant once or twice a month as a preventative measure.

Concerns Regarding Disease

Due to the bird of paradise’s affinity for moisture. Often refer to as root rot or leaf spot. While root rot is frequently too advance to save the plant, leaf black spots on bird of paradise is treatable and containable.


If any parts of the plant are salvageable following the discovery of root rot, they can be disinfected with diluted hydrogen peroxide and replant in fresh soil and a new container. To control leaf spots, apply a copper-base fungicide to the infected area.

Repotting Issues:

Every couple of years, your bird of paradise will require repotting (at minimum). Pot-bound roots in nutrient-deficient soil are incapable of effectively absorbing and transporting the water and nutrients required by the plant. Your plant may occasionally experience transfer shock following repotting, which may result in leaf curl as well.


Repot your bird of paradise if it shows signs of rootboundness – roots growing out of drainage holes or the soil’s surface. Avoid disturbing the plant as much as possible during transfer shock. Maintain the same watering and fertilizing schedules while maintaining the exact location.Even if the plant’s leaves curl slightly after repotting, it should recover within a few weeks.

Leaf-dropping and softening Bird of Paradise care guides:

Bird of Paradise leaves and rhizomes may droop and soften due to excessive watering, environmental discomfort, lack of light, or soil deterioration. At this point, they also should take appropriate measures to address various circumstances.

Overwatering must be discontinued; the environment must be improved when it is deficient; the soil must be replaced when it deteriorates. The following are specific instructions for caring for drooping and softening Bird of Paradise leaves.

Watering care:

Bird of Paradise is frequently used as a ground cover in flower gardens. When Bird of Paradise is planted, the leaves and roots sag and become soft, typically caused by overwatering. At this point, stop watering and promptly discharge excess water from the soil; after breeding, reduce watering to a minimum and avoid leaving the water.

Perfect Location:

Bird of Paradise is a South African native. It prefers a warm, moist environment to thrive in. Suppose a plant is kept in a stuffy, dry environment for an extended period during cultivation; the root and stem sag become soft.

At this point, the plants should be transplanted into a suitable cultivation environment, and the cultivation process should include adequate air circulation.

 Sufficient light:

Bird of Paradise is a plant that thrives on long days and requires a high light. During the plant’s growth, inadequate light will also cause the leaves and roots to droop and become soft. When growing Bird of Paradise, it is best to keep the plants in a well-ventilated and well-lit environment that receives at least four to six hours of light each day.

Maintenance of the soil:

The sagging and softening of Bird of Paradise leaves and roots can also result from soil deterioration. It is time to replenish the soil in preparation for cultivation. Bird of Paradise prefers free-draining, fertile, sandy loam soil. It can replace the soil with leaf rot soil, garden soil, river sand, or a perlite-perlite mixture while converting the soil to light.

Several Common issues of bird of paradise leaf:

birds of paradise leaves turning brownbirds of paradise leaves turning brown

A close-up of a flowering Bird of Paradise leaves curling and turning brown. Due to the size of the leaves on the bird of paradise, any problems are immediately apparent. It is critical to monitor your plant for these problems to take corrective action immediately.

Divulging Leaves

Birds of paradise leaves naturally split in nature due to animal activity and weather conditions. It does not affect the plant’s health, but it may make the house less attractive.


Leave your bird of paradise alone in a high-traffic area where it may strike it. Avoid strong air currents or sources of heat that could quickly dry out the leaves and maintain a high humidity level.

Yellowing of the Leaf:

Typically, the older/lower leaves turn yellow first, indicating an imbalance. Typically, the problem is caused by either Bird of paradise leaves curling after watering excessive or insufficient plant fertilization.


Water your bird of paradise only when the top two inches of soil are completely dry. Fertilize consistently throughout the growing season, as the bird of paradise is a voracious feeder.

Brown Spots on the Leaves

A variety of problems may cause brown spots on your bird of paradise. Several more common causes include exposure to excessive amounts of direct sunlight, over-fertilization, fungal infection, and pest infestation.


Analyze your bird of paradise and its care routine to ascertain the source of the brown spots, then treat the plant appropriately.

Birds of Paradise leaves not opening:

Three possible causes for your Bird of Paradise leaves not opening are insufficient light, insufficient water, or a pest infestation.


Relocate the plant to a spot that receives at least a couple of hours of direct sunshine or a full day of bright, indirect light. When the top two inches of soil are dry, thoroughly water, regularly inspect the plant for pests, and treat any infestations immediately.

Birds of Paradise leaves curling inward:

The most specific direction in which a leaf curl is lengthways. Indeed, dramatic but quickly corrected since this indicates under-watering.

Curling Bird Of Paradise Leaves outward:

Curling outwards, nearly inside out, indicates a cold-stressed plant. It could also be a result of low soil fertility or pest infestation.

Birds of Paradise leaves curling and turning yellow:

Bird of Paradise leaves curling and turning yellow unevenly and curls in at the tip most often has nutritional deficits or illness. Additionally, it may be overwatered or have decaying roots.

Birds of Paradise leave turning brown & curling:

Birds of Paradise leaves turning brown are indeed highly thirsty! It’s possible that you neglected to water for a long time or left your poor plant in the sun for an extended amount of time. Possibly both!

How to Prevent Curling Bird of Paradise Leaves:

Once you’ve mastered the fundamentals, caring for your Bird of Paradise plant will be a breeze. Curled leaves are merely a call for aid in the only language understood by your plant. The sooner you become aware of it, the simpler it is to correct.

Maintain a healthy Bird of Paradise by keeping it hydrated, nourished, and in a bright, warm setting. Maintain a watch out for pests and avoid overwatering.

Indoors leaves Curling on Bird of Paradise:

Bird of paradise plants grown in containers should be repotted every few years or when they become pot confined. In container plants, new soil is critical to assist deliver nutrients. Additionally, it is essential to provide enough root area for the plant.

When a plant’s roots become restricted, it loses its capacity to absorb moisture and nutrients, resulting in curling leaves on birds of paradise. Situating the plant near a draughty window and allowing the container to dry out for an extended period will impact the plant’s leaf health.

Bird of paradise leaves curling after transplant, but they often rebound within a few days when the transplant shock wears off.

Flowers of the bird of paradise:

One of the primary challenges with birds of paradise care indoors is that many plants do not blossom, which a pity is given the popular name of this species. Their blooms are breathtaking to see!

Many Bird of Paradise plants never blossoms inside due to a lack of direct sunshine, which is why some people maintain them outside as much as possible when the weather permits. Even with the most excellent Bird of Paradise plant indoor care, it may take between three and five years for these plants to blossom.

That is why you must exercise caution while propagating your plants.They will use their energy mending rather than blossoming, further delaying that deadline. However, if you just like the leaves, feel free to propagate to your heart’s desire!


By taking excellent care of your bird of paradise, you can undoubtedly prevent the broad, lovely birds of paradise leaves curling.  If you have a bright, warm spot in your home that is large enough to accommodate a large, impressive plant, a Bird of Paradise is an excellent choice. Spray the leaves with a mild solution of warm soapy water to keep them clean and healthy.

On the leaves of a Bird of Paradise plant, never apply any product containing alcohol, any commercial leaf shine agent, or any commercial pesticide or fungicide. They will sully the leaves’ polish. Bird of Paradise is a poisonous plant that is lethal to tiny children, cats, dogs, and other domesticated animals. However, the information above might assist you in troubleshooting if you ever see curling leaves.

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